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Invisalign Consultation

What kind of cases can be treated using aligners?

A variety of cases can be treated using clear dental aligners. Below are the few examples of the cases that can be treated using dental aligners.

If you are curious to see if clear aligner treatment is suitable for your dental condition , please find below examples some dental conditions that are routinely treated using clear dental aligners.

Crowded Teeth

Teeth that are crowded together are often forced to be a little behind or front in your jaws. Illusion Aligners will straighten such teeth and reposition them, protecting you from severe gum health issues.

What are crowded teeth?
When you don't have enough room in your jaw for your teeth to fit normally, your teeth can bunch up, overlap and twist, sometimes getting pushed to the front or the back.

What kinds of problems can crowded teeth cause?
Crowded teeth can make it hard to brush and floss well. Then it’s easier for plaque, tartar, and harmful bacterial to build up — and down the line, this can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.1,2Your crowded teeth can also get worse over time.

Can clear aligners fix crowded teeth?
Yes, clear aligners can fix crowded teeth. We can help you find the most suitable solution that meets your requirements.

A single tooth or a group of teeth can be in a mismatch with the opposing teeth. Correcting their alignment is extremely crucial to safeguard you from bone loss and worn-out teeth.

What is a crossbite?
When you close your mouth and some of your upper teeth are sitting inside your lower teeth — rather than on the outside, like they normally would — your doctor calls this a crossbite.

What kinds of problems can a crossbite cause?
A crossbite can make your teeth wear down or chip. It can also make your gums start to recede or make little notches above your gum line.

This kind of damage can lead to painful gum problems or even bone loss.

Can Invisalign clear aligners fix a crossbite?
Yes, clear aligners can fix some types of crossbite. We can help you to find most suitable solution that meets your requirements.

Cross Bite

Teeth gaps

Gaps between one or many teeth can make your smile unattractive. Closing such gaps can improve your speech and resolve aesthetic concerns.

What are gap teeth?
When you have extra space between two or more of your teeth, your doctor calls this spacing issues or gap teeth.

What kinds of problems can gap teeth cause?
Gap teeth can create pockets between your teeth and gums where food can get stuck. It can make your gums tender and sore and even lead to gum disease.

Can clear aligners fix gap teeth?
Yes, clear aligners can fix gaps in teeth. We can help you find the most appropriate solution that suits your requirements.

Open bite leaves gaps between the upper and lower teeth while biting. Illusion Aligners can help correct this gap.

What is an open bite?

If your upper and lower teeth don't touch when your mouth is closed, your doctor calls this an open bite.

What kinds of problems can an open bite cause?

An open bite can make it hard to chew or difficult to bite into some common foods, like apples.

Can clear aligners fix an open bite?

Yes, clear aligners can fix an open bite. We can help you find an appropriate aligner that suits the most for your requirements.

Open Bite

Extraction cases

Orthodontic treatments are usually involved with extraction of premolar teeth to create space for alignment of forwardly placed or crowded teeth.

Clear aligners may not always be able to treat such cases where extraction of teeth is required to shift teeth in to the correct alignment.  

For those with extra teeth or too much crowding to fit all the teeth, extraction is an extremely safe and effective way to help align the teeth properly. Illusion Aligners help in shifting front and back teeth to close these extraction gaps.


What is an overbite?

An overbite is when your upper front teeth overlap with your lower front teeth. Most people have at least a little overbite.

What kinds of problems can an overbite cause?

When your overbite is too large, we may tell you that you have a “deep bite.” This can cause problems, from your teeth wearing down to pain in your jaw.

Can clear aligners fix an overbite?

Yes, clear aligners can fix an overbite or deep bite. We can help you find the most appropriate solution for the problem that you may be facing.

Cases needing mild correction

Number of Stages: 12 Stages - Dual Arch - DUO planned with a specialist ortho
Treatment Duration: 4-5 months
Patient presented with  Relapse case. Patient initially requested full set of composite veneers but opted for alignment for a longer lasting, more natural result with less upkeep. Class I malocclusion, mild crowding in both arches. Patient would prefer no attachments on upper centrals. Treatment to be completed with simple contouring.


Cases needing moderate correction

Number of Stages: 16 Stage Initial Plan - Dual Arch (including 1 refinement) - DUO planned with a specialist ortho

Treatment Duration: 6-8 months

Patient presented with Class I malocclusion, moderate crowding, non-coincident midlines and a mild overbite which the patient would like to correct. Patient's main concern is prominent central incisors. Specialist ortho and dentist worked on a DUO plan and discussed options and risk of black triangles, as well as importance of monitoring tracking of the canines in this case. Edge contouring will be needed at the end of treatment for an aesthetic finish.

Watch the simulation below


Cases needing severe correction

Number of Stages: 27 Stage Initial Plan - Dual Arch (including 2 refinements) - DUO planned with a specialist ortho
Treatment Duration: 12-18 months
Patient presented with Complex case. Class I incisor rel, mild class III skeletal base, crossbite UR23, midline shift. Multiple options discussed with dentist, specialist ortho advised 3 different treatment plan options. Opted to achieve functional canine guidance, normal overjet and overbite, levelling of curve of Spee, cross bite correction with cross elastics palatal UR3, buccal LR34.

Watch the simulation below

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