Clear Aligner Experts!
Aligners are not expensive anymore!
Treatment costs are at par with the traditional braces.

Life Changing Stories

Story of a young man who met with an accident & broke his front teeth.
It was urgent as he met with an road traffic accident and broke his front tooth.
He had to appear for an interview in few days and he was afraid of missing that important interview.
We could simply bring back his smile and confidence with the new digital dentistry protocol that we follow in our practice.
I had gaps Between my front teeth
I had gaps between my front teeth which I never liked.
I knew braces was the best possible treatment option which was recommended to me. I had my marriage planned within a month and couldn't undergo braces.
This treatment with veneers was perfect for me. The treatment was done within my timeframe & I could smile wide during my marriage.
My Marriage photographs look awesome due to improved smile.

I suffered advanced dental disease
I was suffering from dental problems & I never got it treated timely. It ultimately resulted into an advanced dental disease and ultimately I lost many teeth.
I was in severe pain and couldn't eat well. I had other medical conditions as well which aggravated because of improper diet.
I underwent a complete treatment as recommended by doctors which included extraction of diseased teeth, root canal treatments, implants & caps to replace missing teeth.
The end result was a healthy teeth & healthy & happy me.
I wanted to get my teeth straightened without braces
I am a professional & need to interact with many people on a daily basis for my routine business.
I was always bothered about the irregular teeth but could never get it corrected because I hated braces / wires which would not only affect my daily eating but also would not look good. Maintenance of oral hygiene would also be a problem with braces.
I was very happy when I got this option of treatment with transparent / invisible braces which were comfortable and were as effective as the conventional braces.
Moreover I could see simulation of my end treatment results before I started with the treatment.
The whole treatment process was not only impressive but was very effective.

Got my bright white set of teeth again!
I used to brush but it seems my tooth brushing was not adequately effective to prevent decay of my teeth. Afterall, I used to eat lot of chocolates and never used to brush after that.
All my teeth turned yellow - brown - black and I felt very bad about it. My treatment involved cleaning of teeth, fillings, root canal treatments & few caps / implants to restore the missing teeth.
Whole treatment process went very smoothly to get the original smile back. My teeth now look white, bright & shiny.
I am back with the confident smile!
I lost my front teeth in an accident
It was unfortunate event when I met with an accident and lost my front teeth.
Obviously, I lost all the confidence and i refused to attend the college for obvious reasons.
After discussion of various treatment options to replace my front missing teeth, I chose to get my teeth fixed back with the help of dental Implants.
Now my teeth look like natural teeth, feel like natural teeth & I am able to eat on it like I would eat on my natural teeth.
I am back with the confident smile as before.

Treatment of mutilated dentition at a very young age!
This is a story of young student who did not care enough for his own dentition & lande in to a a complex dental disease.
He was on the path to complete his education and start his career. But due to decayed teeth he had lost his confidence & he never used to smile.
He needed dental treatment to address the disease & bring back his confidence.
What would be your reaction when you come across someone who is only 24 years old and has a diseased dentition?
It it unfortunate, or negligence?
Of course it is unfortunate for the person to have such a diseased set of teeth. But this is sheer negligence and lack of dental awareness which has cause this condition.
Ultimately we treated him for his dental disease with Few fillings ,few root canal treatments & Dental veneers to give him back the smile he desired.
People are fortunate to have Dentists who can restore the dentition to healthier one and help them to eat better and Smile A'Gain!